WSIB/Workplace-Related Injury

WSIB/Workplace-Related Injury

According to statistics, there are over two hundred thousand workplace-related injury claims occurring in Ontario on an annual basis, for the past decade. Workplace-related injuries can become chronic and persistent, if not treated, which will lead to a decline in your work performance and daily activity. Work injuries can disrupt your routine and quality of life, but with the right approach, recovery is possible.

At UCC Physio, our team of professionals play a crucial role in this journey, offering tailored exercises and techniques to restore strength, flexibility, and function. Whether it’s a strained muscle, repetitive strain injury, or a more severe trauma, a skilled physical therapist can create a personalized treatment plan to address your specific needs. From manual therapy to targeted exercises and ergonomic advice, our expertise aims to not only alleviate pain but also prevent future injuries.

With dedication and guidance, physical therapy empowers individuals to regain control of their bodies and return to work safely and confidently.